Final Fantasy Type 0 OST ~ ゼロ~ per BUMP OF CHICKEN

Com us vaig prometre no fa gaire dies, aquí us deixo el nou single de BUMP OF CHICKEN; ~ ゼロ~ juntament amb la lletra en anglès (esperem que els de Blogger no me'l facin treure...). Us recomano que, primer, li feu un cop d'ull al vídeo i després ja us posareu amb la lletra.

Final Fantasy Type 0 OST:  ~ ゼロ~ [Zero] per BUMP OF CHICKEN 

>> The sound of the wandering children's footsteps have disappeared and is replaced by a song of prayer.
Then, it will porbably turn into a flame, becoming a guiding light for others who will pass by this place later.

The color of my pupils is that of the night, the same black as the transparent sky, because after I had been left behind by my certainty, I sought it out and then spent too long gazing at it.

The map handed out to me is so correct, that it's carrying me somewhere.
I don't want wander astray in this world that's moving almost too fast for me, so please let me ask you your one and only name.

I want to stay with you until the end. This is the only thought I'm certain of.
I can only breathe properly here, so I must guard this place with all my might, even if I must make sacrifices.
Let's head towards the end of the rainbow, towards a place where there's no one else.

I gave my heart wings, and told it to run away somewhere.
My heart wiped its tears, and asked me not to escape anywhere.

While the rain of justice pours onto all creatures large and small, the flightless ones must wade through the mud.
At some point on this straight path, we found our freedom.
Without ever letting you go, no matter where I go, I will always take you with me.

When I'm scared, I want you to shout out. I want you to reassure me that you are right next to me.
Please embrace me with your trembling body, for I want you to tell me that I'm not alone.
It does not matter if we can't smile like we used to back in the days, because you have lived this far with that body of yours, haven't you?

I don't want to have to make any promise, for it feels as if as soon as I make a promise, teh end will come.
I'll call your name again and again, which you uttered to me when you told me "I'm here", so that the end would not come.

You chose me, in this world almost too vast for me.
Please let me ask you your one and only name.

I want to stay with you until the end. This is the only thought I'm certain of.
I can only breathe properly here, so I must guard this place with all my might, even if I must make sacrifices.

When I'm scared, I want you to shout out. I want you to reassure me that you are right next to me.
I want to stay with you until the end. This is now the only thought I'm certain of.

Let's head towards teh end of the rainbow, always together, without becoming separated.
It does not matter if we can't smile like we used to, for we will reach a place where there's no on else.

The sound of the wandering children's footsteps have disappeared and is replaced by a song of prayer.

Then, it will probably turn into flames, becoming a rainbow-colored guiding light for others who will pass by this place <<

[Lletra per Ryusenkai & Jpopasia]

Si un dia tinc temps, i ganes, la tradueixo (igual que vaig fer amb Snow Smile). Ens veiem... i recordeu que SOU TOTS MOLT MACOS!! Adéu!

Ja ens llegirem!!!! Ciao!!!!

P.D: Com sempre, la qualitat no serà la millor però encara no he trobat el PV en DD o Torrent, així que em va tocar fer de pirata xD. ゴメン ね。


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